Jog together. Mom together.

Become the best mom you can be.

woman holding newborn after birth
Pregnancy and Birth

Epidural vs. Natural Birth: Which Should You Choose?

When I prepared to give birth to my first daughter, I thought getting an epidural was a no-brainer. In my mind, anyone who wanted to feel the pain of childbirth was crazy. I spent little time researching anything related to birth and instead spent all of my time preparing to bring my new baby home…

beautiful woman with brown ponytail running outside while the sun sets
Fitness | Postpartum

How to Start Running Postpartum- Your Complete Guide to Running after Birth

Before having my first baby, running was my preferred form of exercise. Although there were times when running had to take a backseat to other things in my life, I always took comfort in the fact that I could easily pick it back up when I had the time. However, after giving birth, I thought…

pelvic floor dysfunction symptoms women holding pee
Motherhood | Postpartum

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Symptoms Women Often Face & What to Do About Them

Leaking pee when laughing, sneezing, or jumping Back pain that doesn’t go away no matter how many times you do a yoga video on YouTube Panicking when you don’t see a restroom because you have to go NOW After giving birth, women are often told to accept uncomfortable or painful pelvic floor symptoms as a…

Pregnant Woman core and pelvic floor changes

Normal Core and Pelvic Floor Changes After Birth

Regardless of whether you had a C-section or a vaginal birth, your body will undergo significant changes post-pregnancy. As you look at yourself in the mirror, you might notice stretch marks, loose skin, loss of muscle tone, more weight than before birth, and other noticeable physical changes. But what about the things that are hidden…

what is the pelvic floor?
Fitness | Motherhood | Postpartum | Pregnancy and Birth

The Pelvic Floor and Core- Understanding Your Anatomy as a Mom

“Engage your deep core.” “Contract your pelvic floor.” “Do your diaphragmatic breathing.” If you have been confused by these buzzwords on Instagram, you are not alone. It’s important to rebuild your core and pelvic floor muscles after giving birth so that you can return to activities you love without any issues. To begin this process,…

Where should I give birth?
Pregnancy and Birth

Where Should I Give Birth? Take the Quiz!

More Options than Ever In the United States, the majority of women opt to give birth in hospitals. Still, there has been a recent increase in the popularity of home births and free-standing birth centers. More women are showing interest in minimal interventions during childbirth and feeling empowered to control their environment, including who will…

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Paige Cook

Hi, I’m Paige!

I’m a mom of two with a passion for health and motherhood. I love helping moms discover how a love for fitness can improve their mental health and benefit their families.

Recommended Resources

Looking for tools to help you become the healthiest mom you can be? Check out my recommendations.

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